'Max Havelaar' in a New English translation for Postcolonial Times

Because of the Czech translation norms, several 'non-translations' existed. These are literary works of which the Czech literature-loving public was aware, but which were not translated because of the...

Diaries kept during the Holocaust have been and continue to be one of the most captivating types of documents which encourage reflecting on what should never happen again to humanity.

the Tulipán series and the most publications from Dutch into Slovak.

How was the author of the Sorrow of Belgium represented in Slovakia and Slovak translation?

The novels Max Havelaar (1861) by Multatuli (ps. of Eduard Douwes Dekker, 1820-1887) and De Ontdekking van de Hemel (The Discovery of Heaven) by Harry Mulisch (1927-2010) are considered highlights of...

Multatuli's Max Havelaar, the most import work of the 19th. century, became a weapon in the political struggle of his translators and reviewers.

Some of the most translated Dutch writers into Romanian were not necessarily the “Big Three”, but rather names that would less likely come to mind when thinking of representative Dutch writers.