'Max Havelaar' in a New English translation for Postcolonial Times

Until 1989, diversity concerned mainly 'the ethnic other', seen positively as far it concerned Socialist regimes. Today, Czechia is a rather progressive country open for LBGT+ issues.

Dutch-language Caribbean literature comes not only from Suriname, where Dutch is still the only official language, but also from one of the three so-called ABC islands: Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao.

After the Gothenburg Book Fair in 1997 we see a shift in interest away from the Eurocentric view of Dutch-language literature to other areas of the world.

In the early 21st century, the perspective on the work of Autors with a background of Migration changed. The focus shifted yet to the message of their work.

There are several Polish writers who publish books about the LGBT-issues, both for children, for young adults, and for adult readers, but the majority of books on this subject is translated.

Not only at home, bus also abroad, Dutch-language literature by migrants has attracted a lot of attention. Most translations appeared in German, English, Italian, Spanish, French and Swedish.

Nothing provides better proof of how alive literature is today, than the complex and ideologically laden reception history of the Hungarian storybook Meseország mindenkié (Fairy Tales Are For...

During communist times, book covers and paratextual information sought a balance between diverse artistic freedom from foreign countries and state control. How was Publishing under the red veil?

In a way, what is Dutch is already ‘diverse’ to an Italian reader, and that is true for authors as well, whether they’re Dutch-born, born in the former colonies or naturalised.

The exploration of Dutch literature in Serbian translation unveils significant presence of multicultural voices that have enriched the diversity of the Dutch literary landscape in Serbia.

Children’s books are a popular Dutch and Flemish export product.

Some of the most translated Dutch writers into Romanian were not necessarily the “Big Three”, but rather names that would less likely come to mind when thinking of representative Dutch writers.